Modular home solutions in and around Lincolnton are simply a better value than traditional “stick-built” homes. The reasons are many but it simply boils down to quality and cost. When you compare the square foot construction cost of modular construction to stick-built, there is no comparison. The modular home’s construct build time as compared to stick-built is much faster. Add to that that modular homes are much more energy-efficient and are fully customizable, you’ve got to look long and hard at why you’d ever settle for stick-built designs ever again.
Since modular homes are largely built indoors in a factory-like setting, the finished products are covered and transported to their new locations where they are assembled by a builder. A modular home is not a mobile home. It is simply a home that is built off-site. Because modular homes are built indoors, they can be completed in a matter of a few weeks, as opposed to months. They do not see the typical on-site delays caused predominantly by the weather. Modular homes must conform to specific rules, guidelines and building codes that often surpass those of traditional on-site homes.
Whether you’re considering a large 3145 sq foot home like our “Buckeye II” or a smaller 1456 sq ft ranch home like our “Noble” , SilverpointHomes can get your custom built modular home solution built for the best value pricing in Lincolnton.
The following are benefits of choosing a modular home:
- Modular homes can be more affordable than site-built homes. Their shorter build time will save you money on the overall construction. Home inspections are not needed, as these are all done in the factory.
- Modular homes are much more energy-efficient, so your monthly expenses will be substantially less. They also are environmentally friendly. There are a great variety of homes from which to choose, and many architects specialize in designing modular homes. As with any home, modular homes can be expanded.
- By purchasing a modular home instead of a site-built home, you will get a new home sooner and much cheaper than you would otherwise if you are building a standard, non-luxury home.
- It is quicker build. The efficiency allows you to cut down on building time, because much of the assembly you will have to do is already done. Many modular buildings can take just a day to assemble.
- Portability. While modular buildings are generally built to be permanent structures, some designs can be disassembled, so you can pick up and leave anytime you desire.
If you are designing your own home, it is important to ask specific questions, as each manufacturer has different set of guidelines. Modular homes offer hundreds of personalized features that include (but are not limited to) ceramic floors, solid-surface counter tops, various cabinet styles and wood species, exterior finishes, plumbing fixtures, etc. You can essentially customize your home.
You can create any style of modular home you wish, whether you want a traditional center-hall colonial or a Mediterranean. They do not all look alike. Modular homes have no design limitations. You can add any style of window or architectural detail that you desire. In short, you can create your own dream house.
To learn more about modular home construction and living, contact Silverpoint Modular Homes.